Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AIR BAG, como funciona


Em uma colisão frontal, o motorista e os passageiros de um carro são arremessados para a frente e podem se ferir gravemente ao se chocarem com o volante, o painel ou o pára-brisa. Os air bags, ou almofadas infláveis, protegem as pessoas nos casos de acidente: ejetados do volante ou do painel, se enchem de nitrogênio instantaneamente. O sistema de air bag é formado por sensores eletrônicos, um inflator para produzir nitrogênio e a almofada em si. Os sensores são programados para ignorar as colisões a menos de 16 a 22 km/h. Em um choque forte, a almofada se infla por completo em 1/20 de segundo. Para as pessoas poderem sair, a almofada se esvazia assim que absorve o impacto. Os air bags podem salvar vidas, mas apenas em colisões frontais, sem substituir os cintos de segurança e as ombreiras.

Ao receber os sinais do sensor de colisão, um gerador e calor inflama substâncias químicas para produzir o nitrogênio, que infla o air bag.

Completamente cheio, o air bag absorve o impacto inicial do corpo do motorista, quando este é lançado para a frente.

Tendo protegido o corpo do motorista, o air bag se esvazia, suavizando o impacto. Dois orifícios na parte traseira da almofada deixam escapar o gás.

Fonte: br.geocities.com

Sunday, March 28, 2010

inspeção veicular Prepare seu carro

inspeção veicular Prepare seu carro

A inspeção veicular será feita novamente agora em 2010. E é normal os motoristas terem algumas duvidas: será que meu carro passará nos testes? Segundo o Denatran (Departamento Nacional de Trânsito), cerca de 30% dos veículos seriam reprovados. Saiba como preparar o seu carro para esta fiscalização, evitando problemas futuros.


1) Antes de qualquer coisa, caso não tenho um mecânico, faça uma pesquisa entre os seus amigos e parentes para encontrar alguém de confiança para fazer uma revisão no seu carro;
2) Verifique os discos e as pastilhas de freio, pois existe uma espessura mínima autorizada até chegar a hora da troca;
3) Troque o filtro de óleo e o óleo na quilometragem correta, pois é ele que lubrifica, resfria e, principalmente, limpa o motor graças a sua função detergente;
4) O amortecedor é responsável por manter os pneus em contato com o solo e garantir a estabilidade do veículo, por isso não deixe de verificar se estão em bom estado;
5) Outro item de importância são os pneus, que precisam estar em condições de segurança e com as ranhuras, ou seja, os cortes desenhados, com uma profundidade adequada para o escoamento de água.


Pode-se fazer somente a troca das pastilhas de freio, mas é recomendado que seja feita esta troca junto com o disco, pois com a proibição do amianto na composição da mesma, passou-se a utilizar elementos metálicos que aceleram o desgaste do disco.

Sinais de transito

1) As placas de sinalização classificam-se em:

Regulamentação - são de formato circular (exceto a de PARE e DÊ a PREFERÊNCIA) com fundo branco, letras e símbolos na cor preta e orla (borda) na cor vermelha, assim como uma tarja que corta a placa, na cor vermelha, indica proibição. Essas placas regulamentam o uso da via, definindo suas proibições, permissões, restrições, devendo ser obedecidas pelos condutores e pedestres, sob pena de cometerem infração de trânsito. Ex: placa de proibido estacionar.

Dê a preferência
Dê a preferência


Velocidade máxima
Velocidade máxima

Sentido proibido
Sentido proibido

Proibido virar a esquerda
Proibido virar a esquerda

Sentido obrigatório
Sentido obrigatório

Siga em frente
Siga em frente

Proibido ultrapassar
Proibido ultrapassar


São de formato retangular (grande maioria), com o fundo na cor amarela e letras e símbolos na cor preta, orla externa amarela e interna preta. Como o nome já diz, essas placas têm a função de alertar, orientar e advertir o condutor sobre uma situação que ele vai encontrar mais a frente, normalmente situações em que deva ter mais atenção e cuidado.

A não obediência dessas placas não implicam em infração de trânsito, mas no caso de um acidente, por exemplo, a sua não obediência pode transformar-se em agravante.

curva acentuada a esquerda
curva acentuada a esquerda

curva a esquerda
curva a esquerda

curva a direita
curva a direita

curva acentuada em "S" a esquerda
curva acentuada em "S" a esquerda

curva em "S" a direita
curva em "S" a direita


Essas placas possuem diversos formatos e cores, mas todas tem a finalidade de indicar, orientar e dar localização ao condutor. Indicam o caminho a ser tomado para um determinado destino, a kilometragem a ser percorrida, a kilometragem da via naquele local, proximidade de cidades, praias, restaurantes e postos de gasolina, o nome ou prefixo da rodovia, etc.

Área de Estacionamento
Área de Estacionamento

Serviço Telefônico
Serviço Telefônico

Serviço Mecânico
Serviço Mecânico


Friday, March 19, 2010

Direção defensiva o que e

Conheça o Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN: Trânsito seguro é um direito de todos.

O Denatran publicou em 2005 um importante manual de dicas de segurança, com título Trânsito seguro é um direito de todos.

Clique aqui para baixar o Manual

Ao divulgar este manual, o Denatran tornou acessível ao público, um conteúdo sobre segurança no trânsito de grande valia para o aperfeiçoamento e a formação de motoristas e pedestres em melhores condições para enfrentar a selvageria no trânsito brasileiro.

Apesar de ser a base para atitudes corretas, o simples conhecimento técnico não é suficiente para tornar o trânsito seguro.

Mais do que isso, é necessária a conscientização dos usuários sobre a importância da adoção de comportamentos de prevenção de acidentes.

Com o objetivo de contribuir com o aperfeiçoamento de motoristas e pedestres publicaremos aqui 10 artigos, os quais têm como títulos, alguns tópicos abordados no Manual de Direção Defensiva do Denatran..

A seguir, os títulos que serão disponibilizados periodicamente.

1. Trânsito seguro é um direito de todos

2. Riscos, perigos e acidentes

3. Acidente não acontece por acaso, por obra do destino ou por azar

4. Manutenção periódica e preventiva

5. Cinto de segurança

6. Condições do piso da pista de rolamento

7. Cruzamento entre vias

8. Ver e ser visto por todos torna o trânsito mais seguro

9. Pressa

10. O constante aperfeiçoamento.

Trânsito seguro é um direito de todos

Introdução ao Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

Riscos, perigos e acidentes.

Comentário do Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

Acidentes de trânsito são resultantes de falha no sistema via, homem, veículo.

Embora mais de uma causa possa contribuir para a sua ocorrência, o mais importante são as atitudes ao nosso alcance para evitá-los.

Acidente não ocorre por acaso, por obra do destino ou por azar

Comentário do Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

Todo acidente tem uma ou mais causas.

No caso dos acidentes de trânsito, podemos afirmar que a via, o homem, o veículo, associados ou não, são os fatores determinantes para a sua ocorrência.

Acidentes podem ser evitados, desde que determinadas atitudes sejam colocadas em prática diante das situações.

Manutenção periódica e preventiva do veículo

Comentário do Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

A manutenção periódica e preventiva tem como objetivo evitar o mau funcionamento do veículo ou até mesmo a sua quebra.

Uso do cinto de segurança

Comentário do Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

Assim como o capacete é destinado para um pedreiro, os óculos para um soldador ou a luva para um médico, o cinto de segurança é um equipamento de segurança para os ocupantes de um veículo.

Colisão traseira

Uma regra simples para avaliar a distância de segurança


A ultrapassagem é uma das manobras mais arriscadas.

Não tenha pressa. Aguarde uma condição permitida e segura para fazer a ultrapassagem.

Condições do piso da pista de rolamento

Comentário do Manual de Direção Defensiva do DENATRAN

O melhor procedimento para uma direção segura em qualquer tipo de piso é mantermos uma velocidade adequada às condições desse piso.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Como se livrar das multas de transitos


Este ano eu contribui muito mais do que deveria com o Departamento de Trânsito aqui do Distrito Federal. Além do IPVA, Licenciamento e Seguro Obrigatório, fui flagrado transitando em velocidade acima do permitido em 5 ocasiões, pelos radares e barreiras eletrônicas espalhadas pela cidade.

O que me deixa com mais raiva, é que eu passo sempre com uma velocidade muito aproximada à permitida, pois não sou desses malucos que ficam andando a 100km/h por aí, mas sou apenas um pouco apressado. Afinal de contas, não entendo por que vias tão largas e retas podem ter míseros 60km/h de limite. Talvez seja pelo fato de Brasília ser uma cidade com péssimos motoristas que, mesmo nessas condições, conseguem manter um alto índice de violência no trânsito.

Fazendo o balanço do ano, percebi que um ano de multas me levou quase metade dos rendimentos do blog num mês, então era hora de tomar uma atitude.

Depois de uma breve pesquisa, cheguei a conclusão de que, pra se livrar das multas de trânsito, a melhor solução, e também a mais simples, é não ultrapassar o limite de velocidade da via e não avançar sinais vermelhos.

Espero, assim, me livrar das multas de trânsito.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Honda New Bike 110cc CB Rs-42,000

HONDA launched its first commuter bike for India,the 110cc CB Twister. It is primarily targeted at the style conscious youth and the company promises to offer an affordable, fuel, efficient, stylish and performance oriented bike. It is said that the design of the CB Twister has been inspired from Hond's CB1000r bike model.
The twister has an aggregation many first time features in the 110cc segment, namely tubeless tyres in the front and the rear, a screenless layered front cowl, a short muffler with a sharp tail, a mass forward proportion and a unique grabrail design.
The mileage as officials from Honda claim, would be around 70kmpl. Apart from the above features the CB twister also has a muscular fuel tank, a floating side cowl, a half chain case, a maintenance free battery and adheres to BS lll norms making it environment friendly.
The CB twister will be available by the end of February 2010 across the country and will be sold in three varients :
Kick Drum Alloy at Rs 42,000 (ex-showroom Delhi)
Self drum alloy
Self disk alloy
at Rs 42,000 (ex-showroom Delhi).

New FZ1 Bike Yamaha- Rs 72,000

The new FZ1 is a more focused, more aggressive, more intensely high-performance motorcycle in a smaller, tighter, meaner package.
All-new aluminum frame
* Aggressive yet comfortable upright riding position
* Controlled Fill cast aluminum rear swingarm
* Fuel injection with motor-driven secondary throttle valves
* Four-into-one exhaust with EXUP
* 43mm inverted front fork w/left-leg compression damping adjustment, right-leg rebound adjustment
* Shift Red; Silver

Hyundai organized ‘Miles & Smiles Rally’ for i10 customers

Hyundai Motor India organized a ‘Miles & Smiles Rally’ for its Hyundai i10 holders. Around 75 Hyundai i10 cars participating in this rally. By this rally Hyundai owners learned about how to make their vehicle more fuel efficient and more mileage productive. IN this rally some driving habits which makes a car fuel efficient were explained.

While attending this rally customers also got chance to have fun with their families and friends. the rally was flagged off by Mr J W Lee, Regional Manager, West Region at Intercontinental The Sahara Airport Road. drivers who able to achieve Best mileage were given prizes. Mr. Allan Prakash with the mileage of 37.5 was the winner of the rally. He got prize money of Rs 15,000/-.

Hyundai launched 5th generation Sonata Embera

Hyundai India's second largest car manufacturer has launched fifth generation Sonata Embera in India. The new Sonata Embera is uploaded with new Technologies. Many up-gradation has been made in this new fifth generation Sonata Embera.

Where earlier version of Sonata had vertical slats in the front grille, The new Sonata Embera has horizontal slats and because of this the slats looks more stylish and cool compare to earlier one. Car wheel have also been changed to 16 inch 10 spoke aluminum alloy wheels in place of 15” 9-spoke alloy wheels earlier. The car has given new style and it has more charming looks then earlier model of Sonata Embera. This new upgraded model has a 4-speed H-matic transmission. Because of this transmission engine works very powerfully at all speeds and makes driving smooth.

Hyundai to launch diesel version of Hyundai i20

Hyundai Motor India is set to introduce a diesel variant of its premium compact car, the ' i-20', by the end of 2009. Hyundai began selling the diesel variant of i-20 model for the European market earlier, it is now considering offering a similar option to its domestic customers.

The ' i-20' model was launched in December.The company sells the car with a 1.2-litre petrol engine for the domestic market and the company has announced that a diesel variant for the domestic market will possibly come if market demands.
Hyundai avails the excise duty benefit on compact cars. . Hyundai aims at selling an average of 2,000 units of its i-20 on a monthly basis. It received an order of 2,500 units in the month of January The company has delivered 1,700 till now and the remainingwill be sold in the current month.

Hyundai India Registered a 45.3% growth in sales

India's second largest car manufacturer and largest car exporter Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) has registered a increase of 45.3% in sales in India while company's allover sales increased by 31.9% in Feb 2009 compare to same period of last year. Hyundai's total sales in India for Feb 2009 was 38,254 units compare to 29,001 units in the same period of last year. In these sales the sales in Indian market were 21,215 units in Feb 2009 compare to 14,600 units in Feb. 2008.
Hyundai Motor also registered a growth in exports. Company exported 17,039 units in February, 2009 compare to 14,401 units in the same period of lat year. According to company while sales of the company registered a negative growth in the month of January compare to same period of last year, the company manage to achieve positive growth in Feb. 2009.

Hyundai i10 crosses 3 lakh sales figure

India's second largest car manufacturer Hyundai India has achieved one more mile stone by crossing the 3 lakh figure in sales of its popular model Hyundai i10. In these 3 lakh cars which were sold all across the world the company manage to sold around 1.44 lakh units in home market while company sold about 1.56 lakh units in other 100 countries including middle east, south Asia and Latin America.

The Hyundai i10 manufactured in India and the model was ready to export in December 2007. After the launch of this model company sold more then half of these three lakh units in just 15 months.

According to Arvind Saxena, Senior Vice President of marketing of HMIL, "The company has constantly focused on providing the best for its customers be it design, technology or the best value for money proposition. And the resounding success of the Hyundai i10 just proves that our customers value these parameters as well and have reinforced our belief that, if we provide the best, we will always be on the fore front be it the domestic or the overseas market"

Hyundai starts nation wide Car Care Clinic

Hyundai India the largest car exporter of India and second largest car manufacturer after Maruti Suzuki in India has launched a nation wide car clinic camp for providing free check up and service to its customers. Hyundai has completed 10 years in India and in these years the company has achieved a very respectable position in Indian auto mobile sector.

To continue with its customer centric programs like this camp the company is trying to provide its customers good service and support. The Customer Care Camp is going to start today and will end on 29th of March. In this camp the Hyundai is expected to attend around 1.25 lakh of its customers all across India. In this check up the company will provide a 80 point Check up and a thorough examination to its vehicles. In this checkup the all major points will be checked like engine, AC Fuel system etc will be checked.

Hyundai India collaborates with Canara Bank

Hyundai India Countries largest car exporter and second largest car manufacturer has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Canara Bank to financing its passenger vehicle in India. Canara Bank has 2700 branches all across India. By this tie up they will provide a single window to buyers who are seeking car loans.

Arvind Saxena, Sr. Vice President, Marketing & Sales, HMIL said, “In the current scenario, we consider it as a welcome move as there is a need for increased financing options for our customers.” Hyundai India recently launched Hyundai i20 hatchback which is quite popular in India. By this tie up company will provide loan assistance to its customers.

Hyundai to launch Santa Fe in India soon

India's largest car exporter and second largest car manufacturer Hyundai India is planning to launch its new model Hyundai Santa Fe to India soon. Santa Fe is expected to launched in two variants – 2.7 Liter petrol and 2.2L diesel. The price of this model is expected to be around Rs. 23 lakh. Despite the global credit crunch the company is some new models in coming years.This model has a sporty look and is expected to get a good response from SUV lovers.

Hyundai recently launched its most awaited model Hyundai i20 in India. The model got a very good response and by the good sales of Hyundai i20 the company manage to defeat credit crunch.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hyundai domestic sales down, exports rise

The domestic sales of Hyundai, India’s second largest carmaker, down but exports. It registered domestic passenger car sales at 24, 754 units during March compared with 29, 401 units in the corresponding month of 2008. The figure shows 15.81 per cent sales fall. The company’s exports rose by 21.63 per cent to 21,406 units as against 17,600 units during the same period of the previous year. The company's cumulative sales (including exports) during March were down by 1.79 per cent at 46,160 units as compared to 47,001 units in the same month a year ago. Hyundai. sold 41,802 units of hatchbacks Santro, Getz, i10 and i20, 4,285 units of Accent and Verna.

Hyundai signed MOU with Corporation Bank

Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL), the second largest car manufacturer and the largest passenger car exporter in India, signed MOU with Corporation Bank for financing the purchase of the cars manufactured by HMIL. The bank’s general manager M P Kunju and HMIL senior vice president (Marketing and Sales) Arvind Saxena signed the MOU. Under the MOU, Corporation Bank, a major public sector bank today, will be financing prospective constituents to acquire Hyundai cars at a rate of interest of 10.25% for 3 years and concessional processing charges (Rs. 1,000/- flat). The bank will be financing these cars under its ‘Corp Mobi’ scheme that offers attractive interest rates. All branches of the bank from across the country will be covered under this tie-up arrangement. HMIL also achieved yet another key milestone in its decade old journey in India by clocking the fastest three lakh i10 sales since its launch on 31st October, 2007.

Santro to take place of Mumbai’s taxis

Hyundai’s compact car Santro will take place of Mumbai’s taxis. Now passengers will enjoy Santro with lots of interior space. The state government decided to phase out about 7,500 ageing cabs. Hyundai shipped 30 Santro cars to the Mumbai taxi union. The number will be increased to 1,250 by the year-end. According to transport department order, taxis that are over 25 years old will have to be phased out, which immediately takes out 7,500 cabs.

Hyundai is offering the Santro cab at a discounted price of Rs.242, 500 for the non-air conditioned variant, while the same model costs over Rs.270, 000 ex-showroom in Mumbai. The company said the Santro cab would feature the black-and-yellow colour scheme required for taxis. The company said the Santro cab would feature the black-and-yellow colour scheme required for taxis.

HMI India’s largest car exporter, India record 57% growth

Hyundai Motor India registered car export growth of 63% at 2.35,345 units compared with 1,44,440 units in the year-ago period. It is the highest growth in the car industry. According to the figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), carmakers in India have been able to expand their overseas presence with exports from the country recorded whopping 57.04 per cent growth in the last fiscal.

passenger car exports from India touched 3,31,539 units in FY09 as against 2,11,112 units in the previous financial year. Domestic market leader Maruti Suzuki India was a distant second, registering 32.58 per cent growth in overseas sales at 68,834 units in 2008-09 as against 51,916 units in the previous fiscal. Overall vehicle exports from India grew by 23.60 per cent at 15,30,660 units in the last financial year, while the same stood at 12,38,333 unit s in the previous fiscal, SIAM said.

Hyundai missed sales target by 23%

Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) missed its sales target for 2008-09 by over 23 per cent due to global slowdown. It managed to sell only 2.44 lakh units till the end of March, 2009 compared to the set target of 3.18 lakh units. Moreover, recession forced the company to reduce the target figure to 2.75 lakh cars but that was also out of range of sales. This time there was a miss of 11.2 per cent.

Arvind Saxena, senior vice president (marketing and sales), HMIL, clarify that there were some sign of recovery in the market but a complete revival was needed. However, enquiries were good enough but the conversion rate was low. He told that in these situations it is hard to convince a customer to buy a new car.

Hyundai associates with SRK for IPL

yundai Motors India Ltd (HMIL) has inked a new deal with its car brand ambassador Shah Rukh Khan. According to this new deal, Shah Rukh Khan will travel in Hyundai vehicles for the whole of IPL season. Alan Ross, MD, Hyundai Motor, South Africa, handed over the car keys to the Bollywood superstar and owner of the IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders Shah Rukh Khan in a function held in Cape Town. Shah Rukh would be provided the facility to offer their car use for his guests. In CY 2008, Hyundai exported around 10,000 units of Santro and the Hyundai i10 to South Africa. The Hyundai i10 and the Santro are also the best selling models in the small car segment in South African market.

Hyundai to shift part of i20 production to Europe

Hyundai Motors India Limited (HMIL) has planned to shift part of Hyundai i20 production to Europe due to volatility of the rupee, poor power availability, inadequate export incentive and labour problem. However, the company is to set one more production base in the continent. In November 2008, the company sent a consignment of 2,820 units to the European market. Around 17,000 made in India Hyundai i20 cars were exported to Europe in the first quarter of the current year. It may be recalled that the company claimed to produce i20 for the European market, would be met through production facility at the Sriperumpudur. But now due to several reasons, the company wants to move out.

Hyundai's April sales increased by 10.9% this year

India's largest car exporter and second largest car manufacturer Hyundai India has registered a high growth in the month of April this year compare to same period of last year. According to reports the company the domestic sales growed by a margin of 3.5% and at the same time the Exports of the company increased by 19.6%. Overall theHyundai sales increased by 10.9%. Company sold 44371 units in the month of April compare to 40000 units in the same period of last year.
According to Arvind Saxena, Sr. Vice President - Marketing and Sales, HMIL ,"As compared to last year we saw a modest growth in April, 2009. However, we still feel that the market is far from a complete turnaround and it will be a while before we see healthy double digit growth. We will however continue to offer our customers innovative schemes and products to offset the effects of the slowdown".

Hyundai employees on indefinite fast

India's largest car exporter and second largest car manufacturer Hyundai Motors is facing a tough task as its employees of Sriperumbudur unit has gone on an indefinite fast to protest the absence of management representatives for a conciliatory meeting. According to news reports the labors are on strike since April 20 and they are demanding the solution of certain of certain labor related issues. As the HMIL Corporate Communication Head Rajiv Mitra said the company is monitoring the situation closely and everything is under control. He also said that the production at the plant is still 90 percent and the management is trying to resolve the issue

Hyundai hopes to end the strike within a few days

Daily production at the Chennai plant has been hit by 3-4 per cent by the employees strike. This was confirmed by the country's second-largest car maker Hyundai Motor India. Meanwhile, the company expected to end the strike soon and sort out the issues of employees. However, while talking to the media, company's Vice-President (Marketing and Sales) Arvind Saxena did not disclose the demands of the employees at the plant. He informed that the management was in touch with employees. He accepted that the production was affected marginally.

Hyundai to consider alternate site for i20 production

Hyundai Motors is considering alternative production site for i20 premium compact to a European country. The company said that labour unrest at Sriperumbudur factory was forcing the company to take the decision. On the other hand, sources said that infrastructure problems, currency fluctuations and low export incentives might be the other reasons to shift the production of i20 as timely delivery schedules is a crucial factor in export markets.

Labour union claimed that production at the company's two plants had been affected badly on account of the strike, while the company declared a marginal impact. Arvind Saxena, V-P at Hyundai Motor India informed that the production is marginally affected, and the company had enough stocks to meet any shortfall. He added that if the situation did not improve, it would be necessary to shift the production.

HMIL signed MoU with SBT for vehicle finance

Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL), the second largest car manufacturer and the largest passenger car exporter, has signed an Memorandum of Understanding with State Bank of Travancore (SBT), a premier nationalised bank based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, to assist customers in financing auto loans.

The tie-up was signed in the presence of Sri Arvind Saxena, Sr. VP, Marketing & Sales, Hyundai Motor India Ltd and Sri A K Jagannathan, Managing Director, State Bank of Travancore. According to the MoU, HMIL will help both the partners to reach out to wider market and make loans convenient and easy to finance. The automobile company also has strategic tie-ups with Syndicate Bank, Bank of India, Punjab National bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda and Corporation Bank.

Hyundai to soar outsourcing from India

Hyundai Motor Company, South Korean auto major, is planning to soar outsourcing components from India for its global operations. At present, the company outsources few percentage from India and now intended to rise it. Hyundai Motor Company Senior Vice-President (Asia & Pacific Division) Young-Kil Chun said that India, the company's second-largest market in the world, has the potential to be a hub for the components industry.

In view of that, Hyundai Motor will rise sourcing from here. He, however, suggested that for India to emerge as a major outsourcing hub for components, it would need to improve and maintain the quality of products. He said that in this connection the country has to maintain consistent quality which is the need of the hour. Hyundai Motor already sources up to 85 per cent of the components locally for the cars it makes in India.

Hyundai Stir continues, workers arrested

The stir at Hyundai's Sriperumbudur factory is continuing and both the sides are firm on their stand. Police arrested around 300 factory workers who had gone on a sudden indefinite hunger strike at the Commission of Labour office here protesting absence of management representatives in a conciliatory meeting. Police informed that the workers were protesting here without the prior permission of Labour office. A Sounderrajan, CITU Tamil Nadu president, and many other prominent workers were among the arrested. CPI (M) state secretary N Varadarajan, in a statement, requested the state government to interfere in the matter and find a solution to the issue. Members of the Hyundai Motor India Employees Union, which has been spearheading an indefinite strike at the company's manufacturing unit at Sriperumnbudur since April 20 demanding recognition and a solution to other labour related issues, commenced the fast following the officials' absence on May 4.

Hyundai ties-up with UBI for car finance

Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL), the second largest car manufacturer and the largest passenger car exporter, has signed an Memorandum of Understanding with Union Bank of India (UBI), a premier nationalised bank, to assist customers in financing auto loans. The MoU was signed by A.K. Bansal, Field General Manager, (Delhi), Union Bank of India and Arvind Saxena, Sr. Vice President, Marketing & Sales, Hyundai Motor India Ltd. According to the MoU, HMIL will help both the partners to reach out to wider market and make loans convenient and easy to finance. The maximum loan offered by UBI per vehicle is Rs 15 lakh with minimum margin of 15 percent on road price and repayment upto 72 months. Union Bank will process customers requests within two working days after receipt of duly completed application forms with the necessary supporting documents. The automobile company also has strategic tie-ups with Syndicate Bank, Bank of India, Punjab National bank, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda and Corporation Bank.

Hyundai strike is called off

Strike at Hyundai Motor India's Sriperumbudur plant has come to an end on Friday. The strike was called off after both the sides, workers and Hyundai Motor management, agreed on some points. A Sounderrajan, president of Centre for Indian Trade Unions’ Tamil Nadu arm, said the strike is ended. He added that the company assured them not to take any action against workers after they returned to work and will give answers to every demand of workers. And the management agreed that it would not come to any wage revision settlement with the working committee till May 20.
According to Sounderrajan, the chief demand, that the management recognise the employees union, has not been conceded. Commenting on the wage revision, he said the company used to give increments every three years. The previous wage structure ended on March 31 this year, and the new one was to applied on April 1. He denied to comment on the course of action on the wage issue, saying, “We will do something.” The demands include an increase in the minimum wage, which is Rs 8,000, and explanations for dismissing 65 workers and suspending another 34.

Hyundai's Santro another stylish variant by year end

Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) is planning to introduce another variant of the Santro by year end. It will be followed by three variants namely petrol, LPG and CNG. A company officials said that the Santro has been a very successful car for the company. Excited by the success of the existing variants Hyundai Motor might refresh the car by the year end. In the refreshing process, other than engine there would be some changes in looking and other major things. Meanwhile, it is expected that, however, some changes will be done but the price will not vary much. The Santro is at present available in three variants namely petrol, LPG and CNG- and is priced between Rs 2, 59,900 and Rs 3, 69,059 (ex-showroom, Delhi).
Hyundai exports the car to Columbia, Mexico, Sudan, South Africa and Algeria. Till April, the company has exported 4, 39,541 units. Since its launch in India in September 1998, Hyundai has sold 9, 84,418 units in the domestic market. The Santro and the i10 comprise about 75 per cent of the 22,000-23,000 units that Hyundai Motor sells each month in the domestic market.

Hyundai i20 production: decision in a month

Hyundai Motor India is thinking over to shift the production of i20 from India to Europe. The company spokesman confirmed that in a months time the decision will be taken. It may be recalled that the previous week, there was a strike in the company's Chennai plant following different workers demand. The production of the car was badly hit. In those days, it was learnt that the company would shift the production of i20 from Chennai to Europe.

The car maker also blamed to the poor port infrastructure to support surging exports and no export incentives from the government. HMIL is pondering over making its plant in Czech Republic as an export hub for the model. The other option is to use the new plant being set up in Russia.
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